Summary Description
- Reduces greenhouse gas emissions from food and beverages procured by the state by decreasing the total amount of animal-based products purchased.
- TopicThe topic of the legislation or policy covered by the text
- Alternative ProteinsPublic procurement
- SpeciesThe animal, or type of food production, covered by the text
- Farmed animals
- JurisdictionCountry or geographical area where the text applies
- Sub-jurisdictionCountry or state where the text applies
- Connecticut
- Type of ActWhether the act is a law, regulation, or policy, or another type of text
- Legislative Proposal
- StatusIndicates whether the act is in force or not
- Bill proposal
- Legal ValueWhether the text is binding or not
- N/A
- Date enactedDate the text was adopted
- N/A
- Date updatedDate when the entry was last updated by the CALF team
- June, 2023
- Official citation
- Mercy for Animals, Testimony to the Connecticut Joint Committee on the Environment in support of Amending SB 884 to Include Climate-Friendly Food Procurement Language (2021) (U.S.A.)
Strengths & Weaknesses
- Strengths
- Tracks the greenhouse gas emissions associated with food purchases made by state agencies by establishing a methodology for state agencies to estimate the greenhouse gas emissions that occur through the life cycle of food and beverages purchased by the state agency on or before 1 January 2023.
- Requires the State to establish recommendations for decreasing the total amount of animal-based products purchased.
- Establishes a baseline measurement of the overall annual greenhouse gas emissions associated with the states food and beverage purchases on or before 1 January 2024, and recommends reducing the overall greenhouse gas emissions associated with food and beverages purchased by state procurement in relation to the baseline measurement: (a) for fiscal year 2025, a 10% reduction; (b) for fiscal year 2028, an 18% reduction; and (c) for fiscal year 2030, a 25% reduction.
- Lists best practices for state agencies to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions associated with food and beverages purchased with the goal of reducing overall greenhouse gas emissions as established by the baseline. This must include decreasing the total amount of animal-based products purchased.
- Gives consideration and preference to foods, beverages, and procurement practices that achieve the goal of reducing the greenhouse gas emissions associated with food and beverages purchased by the state agency.
- Weaknesses
- The decrease in the total amount of animal-based products purchased is voluntary only.