Explore events that we host under CALF. Please note that these events are invite-only. Do get in touch if you would like any more information or would like to participate.
EU Event
CALF: Shaping the future of sustainable food systems post-2024 EU elections.
We have recently hosted an in-person, invite only, CALF event in Brussels on the 14th of March 2024 under Chatham House Rule, which was about shaping the future of sustainable food systems post-2024 EU elections.
We hosted around 65 senior/manager key stakeholders influencing European Sustainable Food Systems from companies, NGOs, associations, PA firms to academics with the aim of strategizing together and incentivise collaboration.
The format of this event consisted of 1 keynote speech followed by 4 panelists assessing '4 years Farm to Fork' and 5 break out rooms sessions to discuss topics in depth and find solutions. We ended the event by eating lunch all together and sharing key findings that were discussed in the break out rooms.
Full agenda below:
Welcome words: Jeremy Coller
Keynote speech: "The Danish Way – How Sustainable Food Systems Can Be Influenced through Collaboration Between Multiple Stakeholders" by Rune-Christoffer Dragsdahl, the Vegetarian Society of Denmark .
Panel discussion: "Assessment of the Farm to Fork Strategy: Successes, Challenges, and Future Implications: Discussing Effectiveness of the Farm to Fork Strategy and Its Implications for Future Policy Development or Lack Thereof"
- Giulia Neri, Head of Policy, The Good Lobby.
- Olga Kikou, Head of European Affairs, Compassion in World Farming.
- Siska Pottie, Secretary General, European Alliance for Plant-Based Foods.
- Jo Raven, Director of Thematic Research and Corporate Innovation, FAIRR.
- Moderator: Lara Pappers, Senior Programme Development Manager, Jeremy Coller Foundation.
Break-out rooms:
Break-out room 1: Urgent Topics for the New Commission: Analysing priorities such as animal welfare, a transition to more sustainable diets, and subsidy reform.
Break-out room 2: Best Practices and Challenges in Advocacy: Multi-stakeholder collaboration in advancing sustainable food systems, what worked well, what didn’t?
Break-out room 3: The Role of Technology and Innovation: Exploring how emerging technologies can support sustainable food systems.
Break-out room 4: The Role of a Public Narrative in influencing sustainable food systems: do’s and don’ts.
Break-out room 5: The Role of Different EU Bodies in advancing sustainable food systems: lessons learned over the past 4 years.

UK Event
CALF: How to ensure the national food system in the UK is both environmentally and animal friendly under the newly elected UK government?
We hosted our second in-person, invite only, CALF event in London on the 8th of October 2024 under Chatham House Rule, which was about shaping the future of the UK food system under a new labour government.
We hosted around 60 high-level key stakeholders (animal welfare, food and climate NGOs, academics, public affairs agencies, corporates, investors) influencing sustainable and animal friendly food systems in the UK.
The format of this event was similar to the Brussels edition, with two keynote speeches followed by 3 panelists and 5 break out rooms sessions to discuss topics in depth and find solutions. We ended the event by eating lunch all together and sharing key findings that were discussed in the break out rooms.
Full agenda below:
Welcome words: Jeremy Coller
Keynote speeches: Recent successes in achieving animal friendly and sustainable food systems in the UK:
- "The first approval of cultivated meat in the UK: pet food" by Owen Ensor, CEO of Meatly
- “The end of an era : a ban on live animal exports” by Anthony Field, Head of Compassion in World Farming UK
Panel discussion: "Challenges and opportunities in aligning on a sustainable UK agri-food system: 4 different views”
- Henry Dimbleby, Co-Founder and Managing Partner, Leon, Bramble Partners
- Vicki Hird, Strategic Lead on Agriculture, The Wildlife Trusts
- Tom McMillan, Rural Policy and Strategy, Royal Agricultural University
- Moderator: Lara Pappers, Senior Programme Development Manager, Jeremy Coller Foundation.
Break-out rooms:
Break-out room 1: How Brexit impacted the Common Agricultural Policy: Reflecting on the reformed CAP subsidies and new schemes under the Sustainable Farming Incentive.
Break-out room 2: How to engage with Parliament to create sustainable food systems: the role of UK Parliament and how to engage with policy-makers to achieve sustainable food systems.
Break-out room 3: Urgent topics to bring to the new government: Analysing priorities such as animal welfare, a transition to more sustainable diets, and subsidy reform.
Break-out room 4: National and international multi-stakeholder collaboration: Building alliances in advancing sustainable food systems.
Break-out room 5: The Role of Technology and Innovation: Exploring how emerging technologies can support sustainable food systems.

France Event
CALF: Shaping the future of sustainable food systems post-2024 French elections.
More to come soon !
US Event
CALF: Shaping the future of sustainable food systems post-2024 US elections.
More to come soon !