Accelerating law and policy in the global food system
What is CALF?
The Coller Animal Law Forum (CALF) has been designed for policymakers, parliamentarians, researchers, and advocates working to bring about a more sustainable global food system. Our flagship tool is an interactive, international database that collates and analyses various laws and policies that impact farmed animals. Supporting the database, we have topical factsheets with key considerations when drafting laws and policies, and a review of practices that show leadership or should be improved.
Explore levers for change
Read about specific laws
Draft laws based on existing documents
Compare laws and policies between countries
Learn about key topics
CALF brings together a focused selection of laws and policies that aim to improve the global food system for animals, humans and the environment, and presents them in an accessible digital database. It features laws and policies, both enacted and proposed, from around the world that address issues from animal welfare to environmental protection to antibiotics overuse.

CALF’s factsheets offer further detail and analysis on key topics relating to industrial animal agriculture. Each factsheet includes background information on key topics, key considerations when drafting laws and policies, and a review of practices that show leadership or should be improved.
Public Procurement
Alternative Proteins
Sales Bans
Wild-Caught Fishing
Climate Change
Animal Welfare
There are a variety of levers being used globally to promote the transition away from industrial animal agriculture. Select a field below to explore the laws and policies related to that field.