Summary Description
- Lists and regulates the use of critically important antimicrobials.
- TopicThe topic of the legislation or policy covered by the text
- AgricultureAnimal healthAntimicrobial resistance
- SpeciesThe animal, or type of food production, covered by the text
- All animals
- JurisdictionCountry or geographical area where the text applies
- France
- Sub-jurisdictionCountry or state where the text applies
- N/A
- Type of ActWhether the act is a law, regulation, or policy, or another type of text
- Legislation
- StatusIndicates whether the act is in force or not
- In force
- Legal ValueWhether the text is binding or not
- Binding
- Date enactedDate the text was adopted
- 2016
- Date updatedDate when the entry was last updated by the CALF team
- June, 2023
- Official citation
- L 5144-1-1- Code de la santé publique and R 5141 - 117 - 3 Code de la santé publique (Fr.)
Strengths & Weaknesses
- Strengths
- Prohibits the use of critically important antibiotic substances for use in veterinary medicine, with the exception of second generation quinolones (fluoroquinolones), for the use in ophthalmology of companion animals and equines for topical administration.
- Drugs containing one or more antibiotic substances of critical importance listed are prohibited in veterinary medicine for preventive use.
- Critically important antimicrobials can be used for curative and metaphylaxic use but only if laboratory results indicate that the bacterial strain identified is sensitive only to this critical antibiotic substance.
- The prescription of a medicinal product for human use in veterinary medicine containing one or more antibiotic substances of critical importance mentioned in Article L. 5144-1-1 and not contained in a veterinary medicinal product is only authorised in the certain cases, including when a veterinarian suspects a disease with a high rate of mortality or morbidity, of which rapid spread of the disease is inevitable in the absence of early treatment.
- The veterinarian can only prescribe a curative or metaphylactic treatment with a drug containing one or more of these substances in the absence of a drug not containing these substances sufficiently effective or suitable to treat the diagnosed disease.
- For drugs containing one or more of these antibiotic substances of critical importance , the prescription can only prescribe a treatment of a duration at most equal to one month. If this duration is greater than one month, this treatment can only be extended by a new prescription after a new clinical examination of the animal (individual or collective).
- Weaknesses
- Does not require e-prescriptions.