Summary Description
- Sets a minimum of 50% of foods served in public cafetarias to originate from quality labeled production.
- TopicThe topic of the legislation or policy covered by the text
- Alternative ProteinsClimate & environmental protectionPublic procurement
- SpeciesThe animal, or type of food production, covered by the text
- JurisdictionCountry or geographical area where the text applies
- France
- Sub-jurisdictionCountry or state where the text applies
- Type of ActWhether the act is a law, regulation, or policy, or another type of text
- Legislation
- StatusIndicates whether the act is in force or not
- In force
- Legal ValueWhether the text is binding or not
- Binding
- Date enactedDate the text was adopted
- 2018
- Date updatedDate when the entry was last updated by the CALF team
- January, 2024
- Official citation
- Loi n° 2018-938 du 30 octobre 2018 pour l'équilibre des relations commerciales dans le secteur agricole et alimentaire et une alimentation saine, durable et accessible à tous, France (2018)
Strengths & Weaknesses
- Strengths
- Provides that food public procurement must contain at least 50% of food products labeled as quality products.
- Quality products include products that are labeled EU organic and Label Rouge, which both provide higher animal welfare standards compared to minimum legal standards.
- Weaknesses
- Labels that qualify as quality labels include food labels that do not provide animal welfare standards. For those labels that do include animal welfare standards, these standards can vary greatly depending on the food label and animal species, and so a quality food label does not always guarantee high animal welfare levels.