Summary Description
- Limits the ways in which aquaculture facilities may obtain antibiotics.
- TopicThe topic of the legislation or policy covered by the text
- Animal healthAquaculture
- SpeciesThe animal, or type of food production, covered by the text
- Fish
- JurisdictionCountry or geographical area where the text applies
- Norway
- Sub-jurisdictionCountry or state where the text applies
- N/A
- Type of ActWhether the act is a law, regulation, or policy, or another type of text
- Legislation
- StatusIndicates whether the act is in force or not
- In force
- Legal ValueWhether the text is binding or not
- Binding
- Date enactedDate the text was adopted
- 2001
- Date updatedDate when the entry was last updated by the CALF team
- June, 2023
- Official citation
- Act Relating to Veterinarians and Other Animal Health Personnel 15 June 2001 No. 75. (Lov om veterinærer og annet dyrehelsepersonell [dyrehelsepersonelloven], LOV-2001-06-15-75)(Norway)
Strengths & Weaknesses
- Strengths
- Limits overuse of antibiotics in farmed animals.
- Requires veterinarians prescription to obtain antibiotics.
- Weaknesses
- Does not require veterinarian to inspect premises to see if antibiotics are necessary.